Chapter 28. The first Anchorage

-I hope we are going to find some boats with kids in the Bahamas! I say.
-Mike said it would be full of kids in the Exumas.
-Yeah, well we’re not in the Exumas for now… Still hoping it won’t take another month.
-I feel ya! I hope we’re going to be able to fish in the Bahamas soon! I put on a troll behind the boat. We’ll see. I am not so hopeful.

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Chapter 27. The well deserved Holidays.

– Sam, it’s gonna be Christmas sooooon! I said, giggling and chuclking happy like a kid… before Christmas.

-Yeah… Whatever that means.

-You don’t look happy.

-It’s not like if it would change a thing, there are still things to do, Cass.

-Wait, what? NO! NOOOOO!!!!!! You are taking some time off for Christmas, Sir.

That was an order. Sam needed a break. He didn’t insist much on working, which tells a lot.

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Chapter 24. The Orange Fridge Came Back

-Do you want another coffee Sam?

-Yeah… not so much in the mood to start over the thru-holes…

-I know honey. It doesn’t drip much, but that is the thing to do.

-I wanna splice lines in the cockpit Cass, I am very discouraged.

-Every day brings surprises on Pablo, maybe it will be a good day!

-Yeah…. Says Sam not so enthusiastically.

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Chapter 25. Cumberland Island’s Menagerie Of Animals

Cass is just crazy excited, like a dog when the bell door rings:

-Oh my god oh my god oh my god!  I can’t believe that we are leaving!!!! HIIIIII! I can’t control myself, just too excited!

-Calm down, we are 10 minutes away from the boat yard only, replies Sam. We literally, JUST left the anchorage.


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Chapter 22. Welcome Pablo!

-So you are removing the boat name, huh Sam? asks Mike in the boat yard.

-Yep! Have to. Once it is registered, you need to have it written on the hull, replies Sam hands full of goo gone.


He would have million things to do more important, but legally, it needs to happen: Sam has to change the decal on the boat. And quite honestly, changing the boat name when it’s in the water is pretty hard.

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Chapter 21. The Final Countdown.

2 weeks before Sam leaves to go refitting the boat, he is talking with his best friend Vincent:

-You’re sure you want to spend part of your parental leave to come at the boat yard and work with me? I mean, it will be stinky, it will be crazy hot, I don’t have a fridge because it only works when the boat is in the water, the shower on the boat yard smells rotten eggs. Worst, I can only offer you American beer at the end of the day.

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Chapter 20. Love Comes In One Color.

No more cds in the house (we sold them all!), we’re listening to the radio in the car that morning. It’s commute time from home to the daycare:

-Who sings that song Mommy? asks Salty.

-Her name is Pink, pumpkin.


I see her coming… She will say she loves the song because her name is Pink.

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Chapter 19. The Skill No One Can Learn

Routine visit at the dentist before Sam leaves to go work on the boat for 2 months. He needs to prepare it before the rest of us arrives for good. It’s coming very fast.


-Man…these gums doesn’t look good, the dentist says to Sam.

-That bad?

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