Chapter 24. The Orange Fridge Came Back

-Do you want another coffee Sam?

-Yeah… not so much in the mood to start over the thru-holes…

-I know honey. It doesn’t drip much, but that is the thing to do.

-I wanna splice lines in the cockpit Cass, I am very discouraged.

-Every day brings surprises on Pablo, maybe it will be a good day!

-Yeah…. Says Sam not so enthusiastically.

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Chapter 21. The Final Countdown.

2 weeks before Sam leaves to go refitting the boat, he is talking with his best friend Vincent:

-You’re sure you want to spend part of your parental leave to come at the boat yard and work with me? I mean, it will be stinky, it will be crazy hot, I don’t have a fridge because it only works when the boat is in the water, the shower on the boat yard smells rotten eggs. Worst, I can only offer you American beer at the end of the day.

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Chapter 20. Love Comes In One Color.

No more cds in the house (we sold them all!), we’re listening to the radio in the car that morning. It’s commute time from home to the daycare:

-Who sings that song Mommy? asks Salty.

-Her name is Pink, pumpkin.


I see her coming… She will say she loves the song because her name is Pink.

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Chapter 3. Stair Wars

The bottom of my basement staircase feels like the war room in the Star Wars rebel base.

To give you a bit of context, we’ve been rebuilding our current sailboat engine completely this winter…

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